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Shin Splints Treatment


Are you trying to determine if you have shin splints?

Often shin splints can be caused by or even lead to more serious injuries. Getting seen by a podiatrist to evaluate your condition could prevent you from further injuring yourself.

Getting evaluated by a doctor for shin splints

If you’re experiencing symptoms of shin splints, you should get seen by a doctor as soon as you can.

Your doctor will ask you questions about your typical activities and your health history. Be sure to tell your doctor about any other possible injuries that you have. There are no tests for shin splints, but your doctor may want to do some tests to rule out a stress fracture in your shinbone. These tests may include an x-ray, bone scan, or MRI.

Once other injuries are ruled out, the next step is to ensure that you’re taking the necessary steps to recover and prevent future injuries to your shins.

Causes & symptoms of shin splints

The most commonly occurring symptom of shin splints is pain in the front side of the lower leg.

In a lot of people, the muscles on the front of your lower legs tend to be weak. By adding repetitive stress by running on tough surfaces such as turf or concrete, these muscles can become aggravated. Not stretching enough, not wearing the right shoes or having shoes with the right soles can also lead to shin issues.

Having weak muscles on the front of your legs combined with tight calves creates an imbalance that leads to shin splints.

Shin splints treatment

Shin splints are caused from aggravating the muscles over time. To prevent further injuries, you have to properly seek treatment.

  • In the initial days after experiencing pain, ice the affected areas several times a day.
  • Rest and avoid activity that causes pain for 2-4 weeks.
  • Take anti-inflammatory medicine to reduce swelling.
  • Practice different flexibility exercises to the stretch your leg muscles and improve strength.

Tips to prevent shin splints

  • Don’t wear old shoes.
  • Wear supportive shoes that have good cushioning and reduce stress on the shin bone.
  • Try not to run every day on hard surfaces like concrete. Try running on grass.
  • If you notice pain in your shins while you run, massage the area with ice for five to 10 minutes after every run. This will help calm the inflammation.
  • Stretch often and stretch properly, particularly your calf muscles.

Schedule an appointment to be seen

Are you looking to get treatment for your shin splints?

By seeking out an expert to help treat your shin splints you’ll get a customized plan that helps you ease pain, strengthen your muscles and get you to a point where shin splints aren’t causing you pain anymore. To schedule your free consultation, book an appointment in one of our doctor’s offices in the Bronx or Westchester.

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