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 How Chiropractic Adjustments Can Remedy Migraine

 How Chiropractic Adjustments Can Remedy Migraine

Problem headaches like migraine often respond well to chiropractic adjustments, reducing the frequency and severity of episodes. It’s thought that chiropractic care provides these improvements through better blood flow and nerve activity. 
Mar 24th, 2025
Bad Habits That May Be Contributing to Your Knee Pain

Bad Habits That May Be Contributing to Your Knee Pain

When knee pain starts, the impact on your life could be substantial. You likely have lifestyle factors that contribute to knee problems, so it’s no surprise that trading bad habits for good can help you with knee pain relief.
Mar 5th, 2025


For those who work all week, please note that ALL our offices are open on Saturday from 10:00 - 2:00.
Apr 25th, 2024

The Importance of Having a Primary Care Doctor

Primary care providers manage day-to-day health needs. A long-term relationship with a PCP keeps you healthier and lowers medical costs. A PCP can teach you ways to stay healthy, treat you when you’re sick and help you get more advanced care when you need
Oct 5th, 2021

Why Do Your Feet and Ankles Swell?

Having swollen feet and ankles is a common problem, especially at this time of year when temperatures are climbing. The swelling is caused by an accumulation of fluid: you might hear your podiatrist refer to this problem by its medical name, oedema...
Aug 31st, 2021

6 Exercises to Boost Your Heart Health

It’s probably not news to you that staying physically active is an important part of a heart-healthy lifestyle. The heart is a muscle, and regular exercise is essential to keeping it strong...
Aug 29th, 2021

The Different Types of Bone Fractures

Your bones are made to be hard and stable. They comprise the framework of the body, providing a foundation for every structure and system. Bones also make movement possible, and they are flexible to a very small extent...
Jul 30th, 2021

Common Physical Therapy Questions Answered

Physical therapy is an important component of every recovery and rehabilitation plan after a surgery or injury. Most people have heard of physical therapy but don’t really understand what it is and why it’s so important...
Jul 15th, 2021

How to Stay Physically Fit at Home

One of the most difficult parts about exercise can be finding the time to do it. As more and more people around the country practice social distancing to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 and find themselves confined to their home...
Apr 22nd, 2021

Types & Early Signs of Arthritis

Arthritis is a common condition where joints become stiff and painful, affecting people more often as they grow older. Yet half of the adults with arthritis in the US are diagnosed under the age of 65. Painful, stiff, swollen joints can make moving...
Apr 22nd, 2021

How to Relieve Back Pain Without Surgery

Relieve back pain without surgery If you suffer from back pain, you are definitely not alone. An estimated 80% of all Americans will endure a back pain episode at some point in their lives and approximately 8% suffer from chronic, unresolved spine pain...
Apr 8th, 2021

Can Physical Therapy Help with My Hip Arthritis?

Since its inception in the early 19th century, physical therapy has helped millions of people—of all ages, with various health conditions and injuries—restore their function and live normal lives. In particular, physical therapy...
Mar 2nd, 2021

What is Orthopedic Physical Therapy?

Successful recovery is a vital part of every treatment process, whether it’s for treating an injury or recovery and rehabilitation after surgery. But recovering involves more than just resting and taking medication – you also need physical therapy...
Mar 2nd, 2021

When Should You Visit a Physiatrist

A physiatrist is a medical doctor that works to improve your quality of life by increasing the physical function of your body. This medical specialty is also known as a physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor...
Jan 30th, 2021

Signs It’s Time to See a Cardiologist

Your heart is one hard-working muscle, beating more than 100,000 times a day. It’s important to take preventive care of this crucial organ. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and worldwide...
Jan 30th, 2021

5 Benefits of Custom Orthotics for Foot Pain

An orthotic (orthoses) is a device that can be placed directly into shoes to correct any dysfunction in the feet and ankles. Foot orthotics can help reduce foot pain caused by medical conditions such as arthritis...
Jan 9th, 2021

The Ugly Long-Term Effects of Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains are among the most common of diagnoses seen by physical therapists. Most of us have regrettably experienced this painful injury through playing sports that require jumping, quick movements, and frequent changes in direction...
Dec 5th, 2020

Top Warning Signs of Diabetic Nerve Pain

If you’re living with diabetes and have experienced a tingling, burning sensation in your hands or feet, you may be suffering from diabetic nerve pain. Diabetic nerve pain or “damaged nerves” are a result of an injury or disease...
Nov 3rd, 2020

Tips for Preventing Achilles Tendonitis

re you experiencing painful symptoms in your heel or lower calf, centered around your Achilles tendon? Achilles tendonitis is a common issue that can severely compromise your activity. At Doctors United...
Oct 12th, 2020

How to Prevent Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is the tendon that runs from your heels to the toes. The plantar fascia is responsible for the maintenance of the arch of the feet and absorbs shock as one walks, runs or stands...
Sep 7th, 2020

What Older Adults Should Know About COVID-19

The situation around the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing rapidly, and we’re taking proactive steps to share the best information we have to protect the public’s health, especially among older adults...
May 27th, 2020

How to Clean and Disinfect Your Home Against COVID-19

With the current outbreak of COVID-19, frequently cleaning and disinfecting your home is essential for keeping yourself and your family safe and healthy. While person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 poses a much greater risk than transmission...
May 24th, 2020
5 Tips for Handling Coronavirus Anxiety

5 Tips for Handling Coronavirus Anxiety

As the events surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak unfold, it’s understandable that you might begin to feel increasing stress. Information is rapidly changing and can be confusing, overwhelming and even scary...
May 3rd, 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ

Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ

What is the 2019 coronavirus pandemic? The 2019 coronavirus, abbreviated as COVID-19, is a new disease, caused by a novel coronavirus that has not previously been seen in humans. Most cases of COVID-19 are mild,...
Mar 18th, 2020

Signs You Should See a Cardiologist

Most people have heard that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States for both men and women. But, how can you determine your risk? And, when is the right time to see a cardiologist?...
Mar 13th, 2020

2020 Insurances Accepted by Doctors United

In 2020, we will be working with the same list of insurances that we accepted in 2019. Please see our list and contact us if you don’t see your insurance or coverage option listed...
Jan 5th, 2020

Get Your Flu Shot for the Upcoming Season

Our clinic are now offering flu shots in the Bronx and Westchester for patients, and the sooner a person gets the shot, the better. A shot does not provide instant protection from illness and that’s why you should get it sooner rather than waiting...
Nov 3rd, 2019

Acupuncture Services Now Offered in Our Yonkers Office

Doctors United is pleased to announce that it's added Acupuncture services to its Yonkers office. We've noticed that the combination of Chiropractic care and Acupuncture has drastically improved the quality of life of patients...
Aug 19th, 2019

2019 Insurances Accepted by Doctors United

In 2019, we wanted to provide potential patients with a list of insurances we accept. Please see our list and contact us if you don't see your insurance or coverage option listed. Aetna Health Plans Affinity Health Plans...
Feb 26th, 2019

HMO vs. PPO: What’s the Difference?

If insurance enrollment is on the horizon at your office, you may be wondering exactly which type is best. When comparing HMO vs PPO, and understanding the difference between HMO and PPO, it's important to understand what each plan is...
Oct 18th, 2018

Get Your 2018 Flu Shot Now

Getting a flu shot this season should be high on everyone’s priority list before influenza takes its grip on all age groups. Last year was a very mean flu season, and there are indications this flu season will be as mean...
Oct 14th, 2018

Doctors United opening new office in the Bronx.

Doctors United Inc. is pleased to announce the opening of a new medical practice office in the Bronx. Opening today is a an office located at 741 East 233rd St, Bronx, NY 10466. Our new office provides the same comprehensive, high-quality...
Jul 23rd, 2018

Why Physical Therapy Is Important After Surgery

Each year in the United States, tens of millions of surgeries are performed. According to Stanford Health Care, there were approximately 48 million surgeries performed in 2009 alone...
Jul 16th, 2018
Mohsen Zargar Discusses Exercises and Pain

Mohsen Zargar Discusses Exercises and Pain

Exercise and Pain: How a Physiatrist Can HelpExercise is a foundation for optimal health and well-being. Our bodies are designed for movement, and being active brings benefits such as weight management, injury reduction, increased energy,...
Jun 5th, 2017

Essential Medical Tests for Middle-Aged Americans

Dr. Zargar asks: Is Middle Aged Stopping You From Doing What You Want? For most Americans, middle age is the prime of your life. However, certain health conditions can take years off your life...
Oct 3rd, 2016

Mohsen Zargar Discusses Technological Advances in Podiatry

Podiatry is the treatment of disease in the foot and ankle. When you think about how much walking you’ve done over the years, it probably comes as no surprise that your feet undergo considerable wear and tear throughout your lifetime...
Apr 29th, 2016
How a Physiatrist Can Help You

How a Physiatrist Can Help You

Exercise is a foundation for optimal health and well-being. Our bodies are designed for movement and being active brings benefits such as weight management, injury reduction, increased energy, disease resistance and improved sleep. But what if you can't...
Mar 1st, 2016
Essential Medical Tests for Middle-Age Americans

Essential Medical Tests for Middle-Age Americans

For most Americans, middle age is the prime of your life. However, certain health conditions can take years off your life. While people with a family illness or known condition may need to be screened at any earlier age than others,...
Feb 15th, 2016
How Can a Physical Therapist Help You?

How Can a Physical Therapist Help You?

If you're experiencing pain when you walk or carry out everyday tasks, or if you have an illness that reduces your range of motion, it may be time to see a physical therapist. A physical therapist can often help you to move...
Jan 19th, 2016
Can Dry Feet Be a Sign of Health Problems?

Can Dry Feet Be a Sign of Health Problems?

Can Dry Feet Be a Sign of Health Problems? Did you know that your feet can speak volumes about your health? Dry skin, corns, bunions, calluses and blisters don't just prevent us from wearing sandals confidently...
Oct 15th, 2015