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Andrew Klein, PT

located in Bronx, NY & White Plains, NY

About Klein

A seasoned physical therapist, Mr. Andrew Klein attended New York University, where he received his master’s degree in physical therapy. A knowledgeable provider, he actively engages in educating patients about their health and how they can incorporate some basic exercises in their daily lives to ease their pain. Based in White Plains, NY, Mr. Klein is a part of Doctors United Inc. He understands that speedy relief is a highly valuable aspect of pain and mobility management and ensures that recuperation can be brought about quickly through his skilled therapeutic techniques. Mr. Klein focuses on each client individually by performing thorough physical examinations and diagnosis while aiming toward treatments using non-surgical methods. His patients find comfort in knowing that his primary goal is to help them regain control so that they may live their life pain-free.

For your convenience, Doctors United, accepts most major insurance plans. This list is not entirely inclusive of all the plans we accept. For specific insurance plan inquiries, please contact the office.

Affinity Health Plan
American Republic Insurance
Amida Care
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Easy Choice Health Plan (California)
Emblem Health
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield