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How to Prevent Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is the tendon that runs from your heels to the toes. The plantar fascia is responsible for the maintenance of the arch of the feet and absorbs shock as one walks, runs or stands. The plantar fascia is also partially responsible for the movement of the toes.

When plantar fasciitis develops, it can be very annoying because of pain on the soles of the feet. When this happens, it becomes very difficult to walk or even stand. Runners are commonly affected by plantar fasciitis because it is an overuse injury and develops when too much tension is placed on the plantar fascia. Preventing plantar fasciitis helps you prevent significant foot pain. Here are the things that you need to do to avoid such:

1. Wear supportive and nicely fitting shoes

Wearing old and worn out shoes as well as inflexible shoes is one of the most common causes of plantar fasciitis. When the arches of the foot are not properly supported, the plantar fascia may be stretched excessively causing irritation and inflammation. In this line, make sure to use supportive and appropriate shoes for each and every activity especially during workouts. In addition, walking barefooted for so long can also lead to plantar fasciitis because of flattening of the foot. Use the right footwear every time.

2. Maintain an ideal body weight

Overweight and obese individuals suffer from plantar fasciitis the most because the foot receives excess weight. Reducing excess pounds and maintaining an ideal body weight may help reduce the risks for plantar fasciitis.

3. Take adequate rest

Spending long hours on your feet is also another common cause of plantar fasciitis. When you stand for prolonged periods, the soles of the feet may ache a bit, but when standing for prolonged periods is done regularly, it may lead to the irritation of the plantar fascia resulting in inflammation. Make sure to take some rest to take off weight from the feet.

4. Land on the floor in the middle of the foot

Poor walking form can also lead to plantar fasciitis. Landing on the floor on the heels can exert so much pressure on the tendon so make sure to strike the floor on the midfoot when walking or running.

5. Stretch your feet regularly

The feet also need some stretching every now and then to ensure the strength and flexibility of the soft structures inducing the plantar fascia. The following are the ways by which you can stretch your foot:

6. Heel drop

Stand on the edge of a staircase making sure your heels are hanging off the edge. Slowly lower your heels until a stretch is felt on the soles of the foot. Hold the stretch for at least 20 seconds and repeat 5 times.

7. Feet flexion

While sitting on the floor, extend the legs so they are straight and parallel to the ground. Flex the foot inwards so the toes are pointing towards you.

8. Get a regular foot massage

Foot massage is a nice way to relieve stress on the foot and prevent tightness on the tendon.

9. Walk on flat surfaces as much as possible

Walking uphill or downhill and on uneven surfaces can strain the plantar fascia. Walk or jog on flat surfaces more often.

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of foot pain, so preventing it will help you achieve better mobility.

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